Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Doubt kills

If your wife is like mine, she's a Facebook addict. She has plunged into the past and found many friends from her school days.....all of her school days from grade school to high school.
Not only that, but she dug up some old boyfriends too.
Things haven't gone as well the past couple of years as I'd hoped. I'm not that attractive a prospect apparently and some of her dealings with this old boyfriend turned romantic.
It was discovered.....6 times.
When that happens, 6 times, you gotta figure there is something wrong. I've quit looking to see if they're still at it. I don't think I care anymore.
She's taken steps to insure me that it's over, and deleted over 70 people from her Facebook, but the damage is done. I'll never have any trust in her again.
Today she went to a bible study for the first time. I can't help thinking that there will be some kindhearted man there willing to listen to her complain about her situation. Maybe go for coffee afterward, I'd really never know.

The kicker is that I've had a couple of online affairs myself, but not with anyone I previously knew in person. Women I will never meet in real life and have never met in real life.
It's over on my end, I don't think about them anymore and I've taken steps to insure they can't contact me ever again.

When this happens to you, you have one of two reactions, one, you love the feeling it gives you and even though you say you aren't doing it, you know if the right person comes along, either online or in person, you'd probably go for it. Two, you hate yourself for what you did and VOW that it will never happen again. You exclude the opposite sex from being able to contact you on messages, you keep all conversations with them in public area's where anyone can see it. I fall into number 2. I don't think she does.

Her father and mother are baptist fundamentalists. Her mom is a sweet person, but her dad has been caught frequenting prostitutes by the police. Strange thing is, he's an elder or deacon in his small church.

I just wonder how much like her father my wife actually is.

It's my opinion that women by default aren't to be trusted as far as you can throw them. They have also by default severe accountability issues and struggle with the use of reason.

It really pisses me off too. We had a good relationship and it's going sour and I can't stop it.

Oh well, it feels good sometimes to write it out. No one will ever see it here even though it's a public blog.

On the bright side, I'll die one day and become nothing again.